
Big Fish Home Watch Services

Big Fish Home Watch provides a visual check of a home or property, looking for obvious issues that may jeopardize the home and need to be addressed. Leaking water and excess humidity are two primary culprits that we watch for.  We regularly conduct a systematic, comprehensive visit of your home looking for any irregularities. We are trained and know how to recognize damage in the early stages before it becomes a disaster. We have resources to help you remedy the situation.

On each visit, I will cycle the water which includes brushing and flushing toilets, running water in sinks, tubs, and showers, to keep the drain traps wet so there are no smells or drain flies, checking for visible leaks, run the dishwasher and washing machine regularly.

I use my flashlight to look at ceilings, visible walls and baseboards for signs of water or other damage. I am trained to identify irregularities and to catch a damaging situation in the early stages. I utilize a humidity hygrometer, a moisture meter and temperature sensor to be certain and of the conditions in your home.

Given that Florida a tropical climate (especially in the summer monsoon season), I will check the humidity level and, if it is over 50%, will adjust the thermostat so the AC operates properly to draw humidity out of the air. Please know that all procedures vary by climate, type of home, and equipment.

In addition, I perform an exterior check of grounds, landscape, fence, pests, lawn, and sprinklers, A visual exterior check includes the roof (from the ground), screens, windows, and AC units.  Inside I also check refrigerator, freezers, and wine coolers for proper temperature and operation. I also check all windows and doors for damage and ensure they are locked, check circuit breaker panels, check the garage (including trash) and make sure the door to the garage is locked. 

And more depending on your home.  Some concierge services are also available on request.

All of this is recorded on our secure home watch software, reported to you weekly.